PI Houston281-358-1151
  Houston, Texas

Serving Houston & Southeast Texas Since 1985

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PI HoustonLetters:

December 15, 1989

Mr. Bob Morris
Morris Investigations
P. O. Box 5665
Kingwood, Texas 77325

Dear Mr. Morris:

I wanted to write you a letter to thank you for your excellent work on the Troy Houston case. Your critical work in locating the two key witnesses concerning the conditions of the brakes, and your identification of the problem with the maintenance of the brakes by working with the tow truck operators, have taken what appeared on the surface to be a no liability case and turned it into one where we can help this family. As I look back on the difficulties we encountered in proceeding this case, I am even more amazed at our success in turning it around. I hold you responsible for a significant portion of this success.

On behalf of our firm, the Houston family and myself, I want to thank you for your diligence, your hard work, your ability to find and identify key witnesses and evidence. I look forward to a long term continued working relationship with you.

If you feel in any fashion that you need this letter as an entry letter to work with any other law firm in this Country, please feel comfortable using this letter as a reference. Again, my deepest congratulations and appreciation.

Respectfully yours,


Alan L. Schechter


October 8, 1993

Gordon E. Billheimer, Jr.
The Billheimer Firm, P.C.
2400 One Georgia Center
600 West Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

Re: Houston Investigator

Dear Gordon:

When we talked a couple of weeks ago you asked whether I knew of a top-notch investigator here in the Houston area who may assist you in locating witnesses and obtaining statements from them. As I indicated, I have used Bob Morris over the past couple of years, and have been pleased with his work. Bob has located very elusive witnesses for trial subpoenas, effectively following up cold trails, and has encouraged reluctant witnesses to cooperate with me and others at Kirk & Carrigan.

Although I have only known Bob two years, he was introduced to me by my father, with whom Bob has been a friend for many years. I have socialized with Bob and his wife, and cannot say enough good things about him personally, or about his investigative work.

As you requested, I have enclosed a brochure which contains some of the information about Bob and his investigative agency. I am sure he can provide you additional information, if needed.

Gordon, please let me know if I can be of further help.

With warm personal regards,

Terri Silver Grainger



Stan L Pfeiffer - Partner

August 11, 1999

To Whom It May Concern:

      This letter is being written on behalf of Bob Morris. I have known Bob for over fifteen years. During that time I have had the occasion to both work with Bob and socialize with him and his family. I value that relationship more than can be expressed in any letter of recommendation, no matter how careful the author may be.

     On a professional level, Bob has worked with me as an investigator on a regular basis. I am a lawyer who has been practicing personal injury litigation in the Houston area since 1973. We have had as many as 19 attorneys; though currently there are 6 attorneys in our firm. Bob has been the mainstay of the investigations which we have needed since the early 80's. He has done nearly all of the investigations in which I am personally involved and done many investigations for other members of the firm.

     Bob's work has proven flawless. He possesses the ability to step into a case and come to a quick understanding of the nature of the problem being confronted. He has the ability to comfortably assume a leadership role in whatever activity is at hand; and he possesses the even rarer ability to also be a good follower. His investigations are never purely mechanical. He can grasp the key issues and deal with even the subtleties that are often presented in complex litigation. When there is seemingly very little to work with to establish a desirable posture in a case, Bob can quickly assess and deal with even something as subtle as the presence of a witness who is "in control" of others.

     What makes Bob even more effective as an investigator is his ability to "talk to people." His sense of fair play nearly always causes people to talk freely with him. He can comfortably visit with people at any educational level and on any topic, no matter how sophisticated or complex. Perhaps his strongest trait is the ability to inspire. Bob can not only inspire the casual witness to his position, but also inspire those for whom he is doing the work to their greatest potential as well. People find themselves reaching for his acceptance almost without fail.

     What is perhaps most amazing to find in someone with such skills is that he also possesses the most important additional attributes of loyalty, honesty, decency and compassion. Never need one fear his commitment to those for whom he is working. Never need one fear that his reportings are less than candid. Never need one fear that he has not dealt fairly with the people he encountered. And, perhaps most importantly, when Bob develops unfavorable information in a case, it will be dealt with in the most rational fashion and reported in a manner consistent with good judgment.

When sensitive issues arise, Bob can also be counted on. He will not breach confidences and always finds some way of securing information when others would fail.

     On a personal basis, Bob has become a true friend. And in that regard, I count myself lucky. We have traveled together and sharing time with Bob and his family is a sheer joy. He is a gentleman above all. I have never known Bob to look unkempt, violate proper social graces, fail to be sensitive to those in his presence, or order a bad meal. He is, in a nut shell, a "prince of a man" and I would unqualifiedly recommend him without reservation.

     Should you have any questions or should you care to visit with me personally about Bob, feel free to call me at the above number.

     Yours truly,

     Stan L. Pfeiffer

PI HoustonTestimonials:

Adam M. - Attorney at Law - Houston, TX   

"Once again, you dazzled me with your ability to locate lost witnesses. The referring attorney on the Sanchez case had hired an investigator to locate this witness and paid a large bill without getting any results. As I told you in my original instructions, without this witness, we had no case. I knew you would come through for us. Thanks again and job well done!"

Neil H. - Attorney at Law - Miami, FL   

"I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how fantastic the statements were that you took from the two witnesses in the Henderson case. Those statements made the case for us. First of all, I was amazed that you were able to find them and secondly how you were able to get them to cooperate in that manner. The Hendersons wanted me to express their feelings as well and tell you what a wonderful job you did for them. Thanks again! You can be assured that any work I have in your area will be yours."

David S. - State Wide Builders - Milwaukee, WI   

"Bob, thanks so much for the asset searches. I was delighted with the information you were able to gather on the individuals. The turnaround time was perfect. I got them the day you promised and was able to prepare for my meeting with the investors. Thanks to your company, we were able to make a business decision that looks profitable for everyone."

Michael M. - Attorney at Law - Houston, TX   

"I heard from the assistant D. A. in Midland today. She says she will need you to testify for her in the criminal trial. I told her to contact you directly about your court appearance. I also told her that you had testified for me several times and had always done a professional job and made an excellent witness. Thanks for the information you were able to gather for me off the internet which is going to help our civil case. I knew you were a good investigator, but didn't know you were that knowledgeable about the internet. Good luck in Midland."

Dudley C. - CFM and Associates, Inc. - Houston, TX   

"I received the latest group of background checks you did on these prospective employees. I am so pleased with the results and the speed in which you were able to get this information for me. As I told you on the phone, the company I was using before you were recommended to me, didn't furnish much data. I am amazed that you are able to develop this much information on an applicant. I took the liberty of recommending your services to several of my associates. I will not be recommending you to my competitors, however. Thanks again for the extra time you took explaining my options and helping me customize these background checks."

Ron D. - Houston   

"I just wanted to drop you a short message thanking you for your help. I was so pleased the way you handled my surveillance. I know the situation was difficult and was not expecting you to be so successful. The video you took was fantastic. I have a chance now to get the visition I deserve to see my kids. Thanks, again. I will never forget the manner inwhich you handled my case!"

Robert A. - Humble   

"I just wanted to send you this email to let you know how it worked out. Thanks to you, I was able to recover my loss and get back to normal. I wanted to thank you for being so honest. You saved me a pile of money by advising me how to spend what was necessary and not waste money. You could have easily taken my money and I would never have known. Simply, thanks, for being honest and fair with me. I will always advise anyone else in my sitituation to call you for guidance."

Sara W. - Houston   

"It has been a week since you finished working on my case. I can't stop thinking about my experience with your company. I know I have thanked you by phone, but I wanted to send you this message telling you how please I am with what you accomplished. You were so prompt and helpful to me. I was so impressed with your handling of my case that I can't get it off my mind. Thank you, again. I will never forget dealing with you and how you dealt with my situation. I will recommend you to anyone who needs a private investigator. "

Madison R. - Houston   

"I know I thanked you several times while we were on the phone, but I wanted to send you this in writing. You were so helpfull to me and got me the information I truly needed to make the right decisions. The video you provided was exactly what I needed to deal with my situation. Thank you so much for being so professional. Your experience with these matters is priceless. I will always remember how you helped me deal with all this."

Lacy N. - Houston   

"I can not believe that you were alble to find out what I needed to know so fast. Your guys are amazing. I was so pleased when I got the refund on my unused retainer money so quickly. I honestly wasn't expecting that to happen. Thank you for being so honest with me and treating me with the respect you did during this terrible time in my life. I will recommend you to anyone who I heard needs a private investigator. Best to you in the future."

Eddie G. - Galveston   

"This is the first time I have written a review. I was just blown away with the manner inwhich you were able to help me with my problem. Your guy was fantastic and did a great job getting the video I needed to answer questions regarding my marital problems. Thank you so much for helping me and not causing me to spend money I really didn't have at the time. Great job!!"






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Private Investigator

Morris Investigations & Services LLC
TX-DPS License No. A04899
Since 1985

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